Beam Health is delivering a new Hunter New England and Central Coast

Primary Health Network funded pilot program providing free mental health supports for children under 12 years of age.

Target Group

Children under the age of 12 and their families/caregivers who have difficulty in accessing mental health treatment in the primary care sector due to financial hardship.

Priority Group

Services will be prioritised to children who meet the target group criteria above and:

  • Have parents with a severe mental illness
  • Have self-harmed, attempted suicide or who have suicidal ideation, and are able to be
    appropriately managed in the primary health care setting
  • Living in rural and remote areas


To be eligible for services provided under this program children should:

  • Meet the above target group criteria
  • Live within the Central Coast, Greater Newcastle, Lower Hunter Valley and Upper Hunter Valley region
  • Not be currently accessing psychological services by other means including NDIS or Out-of-Home Care Services

Program Information

The program is fully funded by the Commonwealth Government and Primary Health Network, meaning there are no out-of-pocket costs for eligible participants. Children that meet the criteria are eligible for a maximum of 12 (50 minute) sessions in a calendar year with a trained and skilled Psychologist or Mental Health Practitioner. Where appropriate, group sessions may also be facilitated and do not count towards the individual evidence-based therapy services in a calendar year.

Referrals will primarily be received directly from General Practitioners. However, provisional referrals may also be received from Paediatricians, Child & Family Health Nurses, as well as School Counsellors. If a child is provisionally referred a maximum of 2 service contacts can occur before referral from a General Practitioner (GP) must be received for services to continue.

How do I access the program?

Speak to your GP about accessing the program. Your GP may or may not be aware of the program, so providing our details for them to contact us may be helpful in determining your eligibility. The GP will make the decision as to your eligibility and make a referral to the Little Sparks program.

Access Times

Children referred will be seen in a timely manner and services can be provided face to face, telehealth or other alternative options

Clinic Locations

WARNERS BAY:  Unit 13, 363 Hillsborough Road

CESSNOCK:  Unit 4, 36 Vincent Street

TUGGERAH:  Suite 8, 1 Pioneer Avenue

Access Times

Children referred will be seen in a timely manner and services can be provided face to face, telehealth or other alternative options

Clinic Locations

Unit 13

363 Hillsborough Road

Unit 4

36 Vincent Street

Suite 8

1 Pioneer Avenue

Proudly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments 

This Little Sparks Program is supported by funding from the Hunter New England and Central Coast Primary Health Network (the PHN) through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.

phn and nsw government