Literacy In the First Year of School
Before even beginning kindergarten, children have already had exposure to many different literacy experiences. These includes things such as tracing their name at preschool, having a book read to [...]
An Insight into Speech Pathology at Beam Health
My name is Lily and I'm a Speech Pathologist at the beautiful Central Coast clinic of Beam Health. I wanted to share with you a little bit about my [...]
Managing sensory overload during the Christmas period
Christmas carols, decorating the Christmas tree, various colourful Christmas light decorations, a visit and photo with Santa, eating plenty of delicious food, presents and quality time with loved ones. [...]
Gratitude and Mental Health
With World Gratitude Day occurring recently in September and it currently being Mental Health Month, we thought it would be worthwhile exploring and explaining the link between gratitude and [...]
Are they really ok?
Did you know that an estimated that one in five Australians suffer from a mental health disorder? That is a quite large 20% or approximately 4.8 million Australians that [...]
Self-Compassion: Am I Doing Ok?
R U OK Day 2021 on the 9th September 2021 is a very important day that encourages us to check in with those around us and check that they [...]
Communication Disability: The Hidden Disability
To celebrate Speech Pathology Week 2021: Communication is a Basic Right, the Speech Pathology team at Beam explores Communication Disability, the functional impact of this disorder, and what we [...]
Using Your Senses to Stress Down
Research shows that 90% of Australians feel stressed - with 74% of people reporting being stressed from work. Add to that the challenges of parenthood; unfortunately, our children don’t [...]
The Importance of Play for Children
Play is defined simply as an activity engaged in for enjoyment and recreation, especially by children. It is essential that children be given time to engage in play and [...]