

Aussie kids’ mental health and wellbeing

Growing up can be tricky, there are lots of physical, social, emotional and behavioural changes going on, in addition to the rapidly changing world around us. Research shows that [...]

The Power of Silence

Silence in speech therapy might seem ironic. How can you work on speech and language whilst NOT speaking? While modelling language and expanding on a child’s utterances are both [...]

The Language of LEGO

LEGO® has been a crowd favorite toy for decades. It is a fantastic activity for children, teens and even adults! It sparks creativity, imagination and keeps our minds busy [...]

Psychological Assessments: What, Why and How?

If you’ve seen a Psychologist, then you’ve probably completed at least one assessment. There’s a wide variety of reasons why assessments are completed and the way in which they [...]

Establishing a good routine!

Routines are part of everyday life, whether we know it or not. We wake up, have breakfast, some of us have coffee or do exercise, we get dressed, go [...]

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